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Access Control - Advantage Back-Office
How do I create a new role in access control?
How do I find / search a role in Access Control?
How do I add users to a role in Access Control?
How do I grant access to applications / modules / screens for a role in Access Control?
How do I know what access a role in Access Control has?
View all 9
Consignment Receipts - Advantage Back-office
Guide on how to Receive and Sell Consignment Stock from a Supplier.
How do I bring consignment stock into the system?
Customer Catalog - Advantage Back-Office
How do I create a new customer account?
How do I search for a customer?
How do I add/ amend customer details?
How do I link a customer to a Cost+Plus Billing category?
Customer Consignment - Advantage Back-Office
How do I return stock on a Consignment note?
Customer Payments - Advantage Back-Office
How do I view a customer payment history?
How do I post a customer lumpsum payment?
Processing Customer Cash, card, EFT and Debit Order Payments in the CUSTOMER PAYMENTS screen.
Document Reprint - Advantage Back-Office
How do I reprint a selected customer document?
How do I reprint all customers documents?
E-mail and SMS Marketing - Advantage Back-office
How to send a mass/ bulk e-mail or SMS to all customers?
How to export a list with the customers' names, contact e-mails and cellphone numbers?
E-mail Statements - Advantage Back-Office
How can I send customer statements directly from Back-office?
How do I add banking details to customer statements?
What is a quick way to attach statement transactions when sending customer statements?
How can I change the look of my customer statements?
How do I login on the Spiralsoft website?
What is the difference between the Cashier and the Salesperson?
Where or how do I buy SMS credits to use in Spiralsoft Advantage?
How do I change the date and time on my PC?
General Journals - Advantage Back-office
How do I process a General Journal?
General Ledger - Advantage Back-Office
How do I add a new General Ledger account?
How do I search for a General Ledger account?
Lookup Editor - Advantage Back-office
How do I add a salesperson / rep?
How do I set up Cost+Plus Categories?
How can I add or change customer statement message/s that is e-mailed with/ on their statements?
How can I add or change SMS messages in my library?
How do I set up Cost+Plus Groups?
View all 6
Month-End Procedures - Advantage Back-Office
How do I do a Month-End procedure?
How do I delete a Month-End?
Where can I view deleted month-end procedures?
Point of Sale - Advantage Point of Sale
How can I save a document in point of sale, on another user or person's behalf?
How do I search for a customer in Point of Sale?
How can I search for a product in Point of Sale?
How can I create a Point of Sale document (Invoice, Pro Forma, Quote, Job Card, Refund, Sales Order and Consignment Note)
How do I recall a previously saved document?
View all 12
Price Updates - Advantage Back-Office
How do I complete a price update?
Where can I find the price lists for the price updates?
Product Cardex - Advantage Back-Office
How do I view Stock Movement?
Product Catalog - Advantage Back-Office
How do I search for a product?
How do I create a new product?
How do I link a supplier to a product?
How do I link a product to a Cost+Plus Billing group?
Purchase Orders - Advantage Back-Office
How do I view and print outstanding orders?
How do I select items to order on a purchase order?
How do I adjust/remove items from select to order/shopping list?
How do I edit a pending purchase order?
How do I cancel a Purchase Order?
Sales Day-End - Advantage Back-Office
How can I do a Sales Day-End?
How to enable the "Delete Day-End" option/ button?
How do I delete a Day-End?
How do I enable/ activate the Cutoff Date and Cutoff Time to do a Day-end?
How can I see which transactions are included in a Sales Day-end, before completing the day-end?
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Stock Adjustments - Advantage Back-Office
How do I post Stock Adjustments?
Stock Receipts - Advantage Back-Office
How do I view stock receipts and stock returns history?
How do I receipt stock/ create a Goods Received Voucher ( GRV) from an existing Purchase Order?
How do I receipt stock/ create a Goods Received Voucher ( GRV)?
Stock Take - Advantage Back-Office
How do I print a stock take report?
How do I do a Stock Take?
How do I delete a stock take?
Stock Valuation - Advantage Back-office
How do I create a stock valuation?
Suppliers Catalog - Advantage Back-Office
How do I create a new supplier account?
How do I search for a supplier?
How do I add/ amend supplier details?
How do I view a supplier account balance?
How do I view products linked to a supplier?
View all 6
Supplier Invoices - Advantage Back-Office
How do I view captured invoices and refunds on transaction history on a supplier account.
How do I capture supplier invoices?
How do I capture a supplier refund?
Supplier Payments - Advantage Back-office
How do I select which supplier invoices I am paying?
How do I capture a payment made to a supplier?
How to search for a supplier in the Supplier Payments screen?
How do I post a Supplier lumpsum payment?
How do I allocate payments, refunds and journals to supplier invoice/s and/ or journal/s?
System Options - Advantage Back-Office
How do I add/ change a message on an invoice/ ProForma Invoice/ Job Card/ Refund or Credit Note/ Sales Order/ Consignment Note?
How do I prevent / disable users from saving a Proforma, Quote, Jobcard, Refund, Sales Order, Consignment Note or Account Payment in Point of Sale?
How do I enable Cost + Plus Billing in Point-of-Sale?
User Catalog - Advantage Back-Office
How do I add a new user?
How do I create a new Point of Sale cashier user?
How do I search for users?
How do I add / change users details?
How do I change my password?
View all 8
Unallocated Payments - Advantage Back-Office
How do I allocate lumpsum / point of sale payments / refunds / journals to invoices?
Workstation Options - Advantage Back-office
How do I setup the workstation (printer) settings in the system?
Year-End Procedures - Advantage Back-office
How do I process a Year-End Procedure?
How do I delete a Year-End Procedure?
Training - Spiralsoft Advantage
Where can I find training / user manuals?
All Reports - Advantage Back-office
Report 169 - Sales Performance with Sales Quantity
Report 208 - Stock Adjustments Audit Trail
Report 103 - Sales by Customer
Report 117 - Export Sales
Report 101 - Sales by Salesperson
View all 75
Company Catalog - Advantage Back-Office
How do I change the Accounting Period?
How can I check my PC's remaining activation days?
How do I change my logo image to the correct size (for Invoices, Quotes, etc.)
System / Error / Warning Messages
"Allocation amount could not be verified. The Customer unallocation failed."
Message: The Reports printer has not been set for this workstation. Please select a Reports printer in the Workstation Options. The default printer (if available) will be used for this report.
Periodic Billing - Advantage Back-Office
Periodic Billing Exported CSV file template
Cost + Plus Billing
How do I link the Cost+Plus groups to the Cost+Plus Category?
Internet Cash Book - Advantage Back Office
How can I setup my bank statement mapping?
Cost Adjustments - Advantage Back-Office
How can I view multiple products at once, enter last, average, and standard costs for each, and save the changes to update all costs simultaneously?