If you have access to the Stock Receipts module in Advantage Back-Office, you will be able to create a GRV.
Using Stock Receipts you can receipt stock (Inventory) for resale, from suppliers using a Goods Received Voucher (GRV).
NOTE: Disabled products and Non-Stock product items CANNOT be received using a GRV.
NOTE: You will only be able to receipt a product if it is linked to the supplier that it is purchased from. This prevents creating a Goods Received Voucher (GRV) and a Supplier Invoice against an incorrect supplier account. One product can be linked to multiple suppliers.
NOTE: Learn how to link a product to a supplier by clicking on this link: How do I link a supplier to a product?
NOTE: If you have previously created a purchase order on the Advantage system, and would like to receipt stock from that purchase order, click on the following link: How do I receipt stock/ create a Goods Received Voucher ( GRV) from an existing Purchase Order?
NOTE: If you are brining in stock from another system/ database (meaning that a Goods Received Voucher or GRV, on another system/ database has already been created for the product/s), please make use of the Stock Take-on option. To find the step by step instructions, click on the following link: How do I post Stock Adjustments?
1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.
2. Click on the Products menu.
3. Open the Stock Receipts module.
4. Go to the "Goods Received" tab.
5. Select the "Search for a Product" option.
6. Select a supplier from the "Select Supplier" drop-down list.
7. Enter the Document Number.
8. Enter a Supplier Reference.
9. Select the Date Received from the Date picker.
10. Select the Time Received.
11. In the Search Product field, type the full/ part of the product's description or product code.
12. Click on the "Search" button.
13. The product will be displayed:
14. Highlight the product, by clicking on the row selector:
15. Click on the "Receive Item" button.
16. Complete the following fields in the "Receive Item" window:
- Quantity Received Now
- Unit Price
- Any discounts received
17. Click on the Add button
18. You can now search for more products to add, by typing the full/ part of the product's description or product code in the "Search Product" field, then clicking on the "Search button". All items that will be on the Goods Received Voucher (GRV), will be displayed in the bottom grid:
19. Once you have added all items necessary, click on the "Save GRV" button.
20. The Save GRV window is displayed.
21. Enter the Supplier Invoice Number.
22. Select the Supplier Invoice Date.
23. Select the Accounting Period.
NOTE: Ensure that the Supplier Invoice Date and the accounting period co-responds.
NOTE: The "Save as Goods Received Voucher, and create a Supplier's Invoice" option is selected by default. This means that once the Goods Received Voucher is saved, the system will automatically create a Supplier Invoice on the supplier's account. You can check the specific supplier's invoice in Supplier Catalog, by going to the Transaction History tab:
29. Click on "Save"
30. A system message will appear: Confirm information before Posting?
31. Click on "Yes"
32. A system message will appear: Goods Received Save successful.
33. Click on "OK"
34. The Goods Received Voucher will be displayed, and can be printed from here.