If you have access to the Stock Valuation module in Back-office, you will be able to do / create a stock valuation.

NOTE: With each month-end procedure that is completed, the system automatically creates a Stock Valuation:

A stock valuation is used to check the physical verification of the quantities and condition of items held in an inventory or warehouse. This may be done to provide an audit of existing stock. It is also the source discrepancy information.

1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.

2. Click on the Products menu.

3. Open the Stock Valuation module. 

4. If required, select Valuation Filters then click on the Fetch button:5. Click on the Create New button.

5. Enter a description for the stock valuation. For example: Stock Valuation 2021/06/22 12:58:49.

6. Click on OK.

NOTE: If you would like to print or export a stock valuation you have createdcheck out Report 215 - Stock Valuation.