If you have access to Product Reports in Back Office, you can access the report.
NOTE: It is very important to trade manually while counting the stock and performing a stock take in Back-office. This will prevent confusion when stock is sold while counting and entering the stock take figures.
The following process can be followed to print a stock take sheet/ report for counting stock:
1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.
2. Click on the Products menu.
3. Open the Product Reports module.
4. Click on report 210 - Stock Take:
5. Click on the "Show Report" button.
6. The following options are available:
Only items with QTY On Hand | Only products with a positive Qty on the system will be displayed. |
Hide Qty On Hand | Recommended - The quantity of each product will not be displayed. |
Sort by Product Code | Products will be sorted according to the Product code, in an Ascending order. |
Exclude Non-Stock items | Recommended - All products that have been set as a Non-Stock item within the "Prices" tab, in Product Catalog, will not be displayed. |
Exclude Product Bins | The "Bin" column will not be displayed. |
7. If you would like to only display products that has a specific Supplier, Manufacturer, Type. Group, Department, Location, Purchase Category and/ or Bin, tick the checkbox of the required Product filter, and select the filter option from the drop-down list.
8. Click on the Print Button:
9. This will open the print options, where you can choose to print the report.
NOTE: Learn How do I do a Stock Take?, after you are done with the stock count.