If you have access to Product Reports in Back Office, you can access the report.

NOTE: It is very important to trade manually while counting the stock and performing a stock take in Back-office. This will prevent confusion when stock is sold while counting and entering the stock take figures. 

The following process can be followed to print a stock take sheet/ report for counting stock:

1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.

2. Click on the Products menu.

3. Open the Product Reports module. 

4. Click on report 210 - Stock Take: 

5. Click on the "Show Report" button.

6. The following options are available:

Only items with QTY On HandOnly products with a positive Qty on the system will be displayed. 
Hide Qty On HandRecommended - The quantity of each product will not be displayed. 
Sort by Product CodeProducts will be sorted according to the Product code, in an Ascending order. 
Exclude Non-Stock itemsRecommended - All products that have been set as a Non-Stock item within the "Prices" tab, in Product Catalog, will not be displayed. 
Exclude Product BinsThe "Bin" column will not be displayed. 

7. If you would like to only display products that has a specific Supplier, Manufacturer, Type. Group, Department, Location, Purchase Category and/ or Bin, tick the checkbox of the required Product filter, and select the filter option from the drop-down list. 

8. Click on the Print Button:

9. This will open the print options, where you can choose to print the report. 

NOTE: Learn How do I do a Stock Take?, after you are done with the stock count.