If you have access to the Purchase Orders module in Back-office, you will be able to cancel purchase orders. 

1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.

2. Click on the Suppliers menu.

3. Open the Purchase Orders module. 

4. Go to the "View and Print Orders" tab. 

5. Select one of the following options:

  • Fetch Pending Orders : To fetch an order that was saved as a "Pending order" when the Purchase order was created:
  • Fetch Outstanding Orders: To fetch an order that was saved as "Save Order now and Print Order", and a Stock Receipt (GRV) for the order has not been done, or only a partial Stock Receipt (GRV) has been done:

6. Tick the "For this Supplier only" checkbox if you would like to view orders for s specific supplier. 

7. Select a supplier from the supplier drop-down list.

8. Click on the "Fetch" button. 

9. The orders will appear in the orders grid, at the top. 

10. Once an order is selected, the products and order details will be displayed in the order detail grid at the bottom. 

11. Highlight/ select the order, in the orders grid, that you would like to cancel:

12. Click on the "Cancel this Order" button. 

13. A Warning message will appear: You have selected to cancel this order. Are you sure you want to continue?

14. Click on "Yes"