If you have access to "Customer Consignment" in Back-office, you will be able to complete a Consignment Return.
1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.
2. Click on the Customers menu.
3. Open the Customer Consignment module.
4. Click on the Consignment Return tab.
5. Click on the filter button in the navigation bar:
6. The picklist fly-out will be displayed:
7. Type the search criteria in the search bar at the top of the picklist fly-out.
8. Press the "Enter" button on your keyboard.
9. Click on the customer in the picklist fly-out that you want displayed. The picklist then closes and the information of the selected customer is displayed.
10. Tick the "Post" box of each product that you would like to return:
11. Change the selected product/s' "Returned Qty" field to the quantity you would like to return back into your stock:
12. Click on the green Post button.
13. A Consignment Returned document will be displayed.
NOTE: You cannot change the Discount, Tax amount or Total amount as it was defined when the consignment note was created.