If you have access to the Sales Day-End in Back-office, and the "Allow Delete Previous Day-End Procedure" option in System Options is on, you will be able to delete a day-end.

NOTE: To learn how to activate/ enable the "Delete Day-End" option/ button when it is grayed out or disabled, click on the following link: How to enable the "Delete Day-End" option/ button?

1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.

2. Click on the Sales menu.

3. Open the Sales Day-End module. 

4. Click on the Find button in the navigation bar:

5. The picklist fly-out will be displayed:

6. Select the day-end you would like to delete. 

7. The selected day-end's date and time will be displayed:

8. Click on the "Delete Day-End" button. 

9. A system message will appear: Confirm to DELETE Day-End of ___

10. Click on "Yes".

11. A system message will appear: Day-End of ___ will now be deleted. The Day-End Sales Journal and Details and General Ledger transactions will also be deleted. Are you sure you wish to continue?

12. Click on "Yes".

13. A system message will appear: Delete Day-End successful.

14. Click on OK

NOTE: To learn how you can "backdate" or set the Cutoff Date and Time for a Day-end, click on the following link: How do I change the Cutoff Date and Time (or "backdate") when doing a Day-end?