Sales Day-End - Advantage Back-Office
Sales Day-end combines all transactions for the day into one unit for reporting purposes by uding the Day-End date and time as its key. Also aggregates sales transactions and creates a Sales Day-End journal that is posted to the General Ledger.
If you have access to the Sales Day-End module in Back-office, you will be able to complete a Sales Day-end. The process below can be followed to perfo...
Fri, 28 May, 2021 at 4:03 PM
If you have access to System Options in Back-office, you will be able to enable the "Delete Day-End" button. 1. In Advantage Back-office, cli...
Wed, 25 Aug, 2021 at 1:54 PM
If you have access to the Sales Day-End in Back-office, and the "Allow Delete Previous Day-End Procedure" option in System Options is on, you will...
Wed, 25 Aug, 2021 at 3:46 PM
If you have access to System Options in Back-office, you will be able to enable the "Cutoff Date" and "Cutoff Time" in the Sales Day-End...
Wed, 25 Aug, 2021 at 2:09 PM
If you have access to the Sales Day-end module in Back-office, you will be able to see which transactions are included in a Sales Day-end. 1. In Advant...
Wed, 25 Aug, 2021 at 3:11 PM
If you have access to the Sales Day-end module in Back-office, and the "Allow alter Day-End Procedure cutoff Date and Time" system option is enabl...
Wed, 25 Aug, 2021 at 3:51 PM