If you have access to General Journals in Back-office, you will be able to process a General Journal.
1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.
2. Click on the Accountant menu.
3. Open the General Journals module.
4. Click on New Journal.
5. Select the Journal Date and Accounting Period.
6. Type in the Journal Narration this should be an explanation/reason that you are processing the journal.
7. Click on Add Allocation, you will now be able to select the general ledger account to "debit" from the dropdown
8. In order to "debit" the account, input a positive Amount.
9. Click on Add Allocation again in order to add the general ledger account you wish to "credit", (Once you click on add allocation a new row will appear in order for you to select the general ledger account to be "credited")
In order to "credit" the account, input a negative Amount.
10. Click on Post in order to process the journal entry. The following system message will appear:
Click on Yes if you wish to process the journal entry.
11. The following system message will appear confirming that the journal entry has been posted successfully:
NOTE: You will only be able to click Post if your journal entry balances, (The debit and credit amounts add up to a zero.) If your journal does not balance the Post button will be greyed out (not able to post) and the amount you are out of balance with will be displayed in the block next to the add allocation button.