If you have access to Lookup Editor in Back-office, you will be able to add or change a statement message.


1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu. 

2. Open the System menu. 

3. Click on Lookup Editor

4. Click on the Filter button in the navigation bar:

5. Type "SMS" into the search field: 

 6. Press "Enter" on your keyboard.

7. Select SMS Messages.

8. Click on the insert button in the navigation bar:

This will add another blank field to the list of SMS Messages:

9. Type an english message in the "English" field and/ or type an afrikaans message in the "Afrikaans" field 

10. Select the Enabled option from the Active drop-down field.

11. Press "Tab" on your keyboard.

12. Click on the Save button in the navigation bar:

NOTE: For the change to take effect, close the Point of Sale application on ALL the computers, and log back in.