If you have access to the Access Control module in Back-office, you can remove / deny access to different modules for a specific role.
This process can be followed to change the modules a specific role has access to.
1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.
2. Click on the System menu.
3. Open the Access Control module.
4. Click on the find button in the navigation bar:
5. Click on the role in the picklist fly-out that you want displayed. The picklist then closes and the information of the selected role is displayed.
6. Click on the Grant / Deny access tab.
NOTE: Denied modules / screens for the specific role will be displayed in the left-hand column, and allowed modules / screens for the specific role will be displayed in the right-hand column.
NOTE: Learn How do I know what access a role in Access Control has?
NOTE: You can also learn How do I create a new role in access control?
7. Click on a specific module in the "Grant Access" column:
8. Click on the single arrow pointing to the left towards the "Deny Access" block:
The double arrow can be used to move ALL the modules to the "Deny Access" block, if required:
9. Press the "Tab" button on your keyboard.
10. Click on the save button in the navigation bar:
NOTE: Learn How do I add users to a role in Access Control? AND How do I remove users from a role in Access Control?