If a cash or card payment was loaded incorrectly (incorrect amount or incorrect payment method was chosen) on a customer's account, please follow the steps below to correct the payment:

NOTE: If the payment amount and payment method are correct but were posted to the incorrect customer's account, please transfer the payment to the correct customer instead of reversing the payment.

Locate and Reverse the Incorrect Payment

1. Click "Menu".

2. Click "Customers".

3. Click "Customer Catalog".

4. Click "Filter".

5. Enter search criteria, then press "ENTER" on your keyboard.

6. Double-click on the customer's name in the list.

7. Go to the "Transaction History" tab.

8. Set the "From" and "To" dates.

9. Click "Fetch".

A message will appear: "Sorry. The transaction has already been allocated. Cannot transfer this transaction."

10. Click "OK".

11. Select the "POS Receipt" in the list/grid.

A message will appear: "Sorry. The transaction has already been allocated. Cannot transfer this transaction."

12. Click "OK".

13. Click on "Unallocate Payments".

A message will appear: "Confirm unallocation of selected customer payment?"

14. Click "Yes".

A message will appear: "The Customer payment unallocation was successful."

15. Click "OK".

16. Select the same "POS Receipt" in the list/grid.

17. Click on "Reverse Payment".

A message will appear: "Confirm Reversal of selected Customer Payment? PLEASE NOTE: Only Payment on Customer Account is reversed. Trade Debtors Control is updated in next Day-End. Cash Book Deposit for payment is not reversed."

18. Click "Yes".

A message will appear: "The Customer transaction reversal was successful."

19. Click "OK".

Allocate the Reversal to the Original Payment

20. Click "Menu".

21. Click "Customers".

22. Click "Unallocated Payments".

23. Click "Filter".

24. Enter search criteria, then press "ENTER" on your keyboard.

25. Double-click on the customer's name in the list.

26. Check the box next to the original payment in the top grid.

27. Check the box next to the reversal transaction in the bottom grid.

28. Click on "Post".

A message will appear: "Confirm Customer Payment Allocation Posting".

29. Click "Yes".

A message will appear: "Customer Payment Allocated."

30. Click "OK".

Re-Capture the Correct Payment Amount or Method

31. Click "Menu".

32. Click "Point-of-Sale".

33. Click "Customer (F5)".

34. Click "Search".

35. Enter search criteria in the search field and press "ENTER" on your keyboard.

36. Click on the Customer Name in the list.

37. Click "Save (F11)".

38. Click "Account Payment".

39.A If the customer paid with Cash only:

A.1 Click "Cash F3".

A.2 Enter the cash amount in the "Tendered" field.

A.3 Click "Add as Cash".

A.4 Click "Save F11".

39.B If the customer paid with Card only:

B.1 Click "Card F4".

B.2 Enter the card amount in the "Tendered" field.

B.3 Click "Add as Card".

B.4 Click "Save F11".

39.C If the customer paid with a Split Payment (Cash & Card):

C.1 Click "Cash F3".

C.2 Enter the cash amount in the "Tendered" field.

C.3 Click "Add as Cash".

C.4 Click "Card F4".

C.5 Enter the card amount in the "Tendered" field.

C.6 Click "Add as Card".

C.7 Click "Save F11".

Allocate the Newly Saved Payment to the Invoice/Journal

40. Click "Menu".

41. Click "Customers".

42. Click "Unallocated Payments".

43. Click "Filter".

44. Enter search criteria, then press "ENTER" on your keyboard.

45. Double-click on the customer's name in the list.

46. Check the box next to the original payment in the top grid, and adjust the amount if needed. 

47. Check the box next to the invoice/journal transaction in the bottom grid, and adjust the amount if needed. 

48. Click on "Post".

A message will appear: "Confirm Customer Payment Allocation Posting".

49. Click "Yes".

A message will appear: "Customer Payment Allocated."

50. Click "OK".