Cash, Card, EFT and Voucher Payments
Category: These payments are categorized under "Not yet posted to the Cashbook" because direct posting to the Cash Book (Bank Control) is not possible from the Point-of-Sale.
Processing Location: Vouchers, Cash, and Card Payments are typically processed in-store at the Point-of-Sale (POS). EFT Payments are usually processed through the Customer Payments screen.
- Payments processed through the Point-of-Sale will affect the Cash Control account and will NOT be posted to the Trade Debtors Payment Clearing Account.
- Payments recorded via POS will update the Cash Control Account after the day-end process is completed.
- Once a payment is posted, the customer's account is updated immediately. However, the related journals are only posted to the General Ledger once the Sales Day-End process is completed.
During the Sales Day-End, the system automatically posts the following journals (Orange below):
The bank statement will now be processed through the Cash Book/Internet Cash Book screens. In these screens, the payment must be posted to the Cash Control Account General Ledger account. Once the payment is posted, the system will automatically generate the following journals (Purple below).