If you have access to Supplier Reports in Back-office, you will be able to view report 401.

A remittance advice is sent to a supplier to inform them that an invoice or invoices have been paid. A remittance advice assists the supplier to match the payment/s with the invoices. 

1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu. 

2. Open the Suppliers menu. 

3. Click on Supplier Reports.

4. Select report 401 - Supplier Remittance Advices, by clicking on it. 

5. Click on the "Show Report" button. 

6. You can change the report date that will reflect on the report.  

7. To Print only transactions marked for payment, tick the check box. 

NOTE: Learn How do I select which supplier invoices I am paying?

8. Select one of the following sort orders:

  • Document Number
  • Document Date
  • Accounting Period

9. Select the Accounting Period

10. Click on the Fetch button. 

11. This report can be exported to the following file formats: Microsoft Excel, Acrobat PDF and Text CSV.