If you receive the bellow error in our application, it might be .dll related and can be resolved by doing a complete reinstallation of Advantage. Please see below.
"Runtime error
2147467259 (80004005)
Automation error
Unspecified error"
1. Firstly, remove the Advantage application from your computer. Click here to learn how to uninstall Advantage.
2. Go to our website.
3. Click on the "LOGIN" button at the top-right corner.
4. Log into your account using the appropriate details.
5. Go to the "Software" tab.
6. Download the appropriate version of Advantage (i.e. "Advantage_201x.6.x_xxbit_Upgrade_Components") - this will be the same version as the one that was already installed or the same version as the one on the server computer.
7. Once the file has been downloaded, extract the file to the desired location.
8. Double-click on the extracted folder, and open the "Scripts" folder.
9. Run the following two files:
a) Advantage - bin DLL UnRegister.cmd
b) Advantage - Reports DLL UnRegister.cmd
10. Once both the files have been run, please restart the computer and then continue to reinstall the Advantage application.
NOTE: Before restarting the computer and reinstalling the appliction, please ensure that the Spiralsoft folder is no longer present in "C:\Program Files". If it is still present after uninstalling it, right click on the folder and delete it.