If one of your customers contact you and said that they did not receive your statement, there are a few things that could be the cause of this issue. This article is aimed at those who sent emails and it did go through to your customer from your side, but the client did not receive it on their side.

NOTE: Emails cannot be sent from Advantage applications without Microsoft Outlook being installed on the computer. Our application does not send emails directly from Back Office, but rather sends the document to Outlook, and then from Outlook it is sent to your intended recipient. With this being the case, majority of emailing issues are isolated to the Microsft Outlook application, rather than the Advantage applications.


The Outlook application did not send the emails to your intended recipient due to a software malfunction. To make sure that Outlook did indeed send the emails, open your Outlook application and go to the "Sent Items" tab to confirm if the emails were sent. If the email is not present here, then that means the email was not sent in the first place. Go into Back Office, and resend the email to the client.


If the e-mail was sent and you can confirm that it was in the Sent Items tab, then another cause may be that your e-mail was put in the "Junk Mail" or "Spam" folder on the intended recipient's side. The intended recipient would then need to go to the email itself, move it to their inbox, and add your e-mail address to the whitelist.

If your statements are being received by your clients, but have no attachements, please go to the following article to learn how to send statements with attachmnets.