NOTE: Learn How can I see all the reports that are available? and What reports are available?

These are the basics on how to use a report effectively. 

1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu.

2. Select a menu from the list: Sales, Products, Customers, Suppliers, Accountant, Manager, System

3. Select the report you would like to view:

4. Click on the "Show Report" button. 

5. The report screen will open. 

6. Each report will have the following buttons:

Print Button:
To open the printing options
Copy Button:
To copy all the content from the page. The content can be pasted on another file.
Find Button:
To search for a word or part of a word, amount, date, etc.
Single Page Button:
To display only one page at a time
Multiple Pages Button:
To display more than one page at a time
Zoom Out Button:
To adjust the display of the report so that it seems to be smaller, and to get a wider view
Zoom In Button:
To adjust the display of the report so that it seems to be bigger, and to get a closer view
Zoom Level:
Sets the zoom/ magnification for the display as a percentage
Next Page:
Allows you to view the next page or set of pages.
Previous Page:
Allows you to view the previous page or set of pages.
Page number
Shows the page number you are viewing, and the total amount of pages.
Back Button:
Allows you to view the previous page

7. Each report will have different, if any, filter options. 

8. Click on the Fetch button. 

NOTE: Once you have already clicked on the Fetch button, and you change any of the filter options on the same report, you will have to click on the Fetch button again. 

9. Most of the reports can be exported to the following file formats: Microsoft Excel, Acrobat PDF and Text CSV.  

NOTE: If you are unable to see the Export option while in a report, learn Why am I/ a user unable to see the export button on a report?