If you have access to Sales Reports in Back-office, you will be able to view report 107.

This report allows you to view all the sales by cashier for a certain period of time. 

NOTE: Learn What is the difference between the Cashier and the Salesperson?

1. In Advantage Back-office, click the left sidebar menu. 

2. Open the Sales menu. 

3. Click on Sales Reports

4. Select report 107 - Sales by Cashier.

5. Click on the "Show Report" button. 

6. You can change the report date that will reflect on the report. 

7. This report can be filtered by the following:

From Day-End Date To Day-End Date
Transaction Types:
Quote or
Job Card or
Tax Invoice or
Tax Credit Note or
Journal or
POS (Point of Sale) Receipt or
Pro Forma or
Interest Journal or
Sales Order or
Settlement Discount or
BOF (Back Office) Receipt or
EFT (Electronic Transfer) Receipt or
Stock Transfer or
Consignment Note or
Consignment Sold or
Consignment Returned.
Filter by:
Type or
Group or
Department or
Supplier or
Manufacturer or
Location or
Sales Area or
Level of Detail:
Level 1: least amount of detail or
Level 2: a bit more detail than level 1 or
Level 3: a bit more detail than level 2 or
Level 4: the most detail.

8. You have the option to display the report in Landscape (horizontally) or in Portrait (vertically):

9. Click on the Fetch button.

10. This report can be exported to the following file formats: Microsoft Excel, Acrobat PDF and Text CSV.