If you managed to successfully install a receipt printer in Windows, and you were able to print a test page successfully, the chances are that the OPOS driver has not yet been configured correctly. The OPOS driver is separate from the normal printer driver and is needed to connect the printer to the POS application. In this tutorial, we will be making use of an Epson receipt printer to explain how to configure a receipt printer correctly.
1. Download the Epson OPOS driver from their website. If you do not have an Epson receipt printer, go to the appropriate manufacturer's website, search for your respective printer's model, and download the OPOS driver from there.
2. Then, unzip the installation files to the hard disk drive to the desired location.
3. Start the installation by double-clicking Setup.exe in the unzipped Disk1 folder.
4. During the installation, accept all the defaults except when you are prompted to choose Epson CO or Common Control Object (CCO). In this case, choose Common Control Object (CCO).
NOTE: If you accept all the defaults, make sure that you remove the OPOS drivers, and then reinstall them. This action is required by Store Operations, not by the Epson drivers.
5. Click Start, point to Programs, point to OPOS, and then click SetupPOS Ver2.00.
6. Right-click POSPrinter, and then click Add new device.
7. Click the device name that you are using. For example, click TM-T88II.
8. Click the Detailed Model. Choose "P" for parallel or "U" for USB, or "E" for Ethernet. Serial devices, which connect to COM ports, typically do not have a suffix.
9. Type a name in the Add New LDN box. For every receipt printer, this is the most important step. It is the LDN that links the receipt printer to the Back Office and POS application. The LDN that you will put in here is: "Unit1" (without quotation marks)
10. Click Next.
11. Click the LPT or COM port to which this printer is connected.
12. Click Check Health Interactive. You will receive a test receipt if the printer drivers are configured correctly. The printer drivers must pass this test successfully to work in Store Operations. Click Finish to complete the OPOS installation for the printer.
NOTE: If the Check Health Interactive test fails with any error, contact Epson for technical support. Spiralsoft Enterprise cannot support the setup of hardware OPOS drivers. To contact Epson support, call (562) 276-1314, or visit their support website https://www.epson.co.za/support